Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Hungry, Hungry Drew
So, Mr. Man has decided all of a sudden that he is starving so we have started some solids with him! It has made such a difference and he seems to be more satisfied. He has had squash, applesauce, and rice cereal. He has absolutely loved all of it! I can't believe how big he is getting and how fast he is growing up!
In other news:
*Drew still loves going to the babysitter which makes Mom and Mama happy that he is so content there!
*We had a great weekend - Stamping on Friday night while Opa babysat, visiting with Nana and Opa as well as Uncle Al and Aunt Becky, going out to breakfast, and running errands.
*This next weekend, we are going away with Laura, Sue, and Olivia - we are looking forward to it and it should be lots of fun!
*Only 2 1/2 more weeks until April vacation and we can have lots of time with our Little Man!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Rolling Over
Our Little Man is becoming such a Big Boy! He is rolling over like a champ. This weekend, he started trying and made it over a couple of times. Today, he is rolling with ease. It amazes us how he gains skills so quickly.
Here he is on Sunday trying and trying - he did eventually make it over, but with a lot of work:
and here is the proof of his success from earlier this evening:
Here he is on Sunday trying and trying - he did eventually make it over, but with a lot of work:
and here is the proof of his success from earlier this evening:
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Silly Sunday
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Random Update
Here is the update I promised - but it is going to be random. I have so many thoughts in my head of things to blog about, so I think that I'll just "get it all out" in bullet form!
*First and foremost - we are still completely over the moon in love with our little guy and some days we can't believe we are so lucky to have him in our lives.
*The transition to daycare has been completely smooth and seamless. Drew is happy as can be when we pick him up each day and we couldn't be happier about the care that he is getting!
*Going back to work sucks! I really wish we were independently wealthy so that I could stay home - but we're not! I can't wait to get out of work each day to go and pick up the Little Man!
*Speaking of back to work - it's like I never left! The same kids are still naughty, I've fallen right back into the routine, and I just keep counting the days until vacation. I have had a very warm welcome back - especially from the kids so that has been nice.
*Drew continues to sleep like a champ - most nights from 8:15 - 6:00. We have to wake him up in the mornings!
*I wish our house would magically clean itself, the laundry would get done, and someone would make dinner for us. I didn't realize how nice it was to be home and be able to do some of those things during the day. Now it just all waits for us in the evenings.
*I have been able to pump enough milk to keep up with what Drew eats while at the sitter during the day. I am so happy about that! I pump 3X a day at work and another 2X at home. I am also nursing him 3 - 4 times a day.
*The weather is finally nicer here and we have been going for walks when we get home. Drew loves taking in all of the sights and seeing the trees, sky, etc. We still have about a foot and a half of snow in our yard, but it is melting slowly.
*I'll leave you with a family pic that my cousin took of the three of us when we were in Florida last month.
*First and foremost - we are still completely over the moon in love with our little guy and some days we can't believe we are so lucky to have him in our lives.
*The transition to daycare has been completely smooth and seamless. Drew is happy as can be when we pick him up each day and we couldn't be happier about the care that he is getting!
*Going back to work sucks! I really wish we were independently wealthy so that I could stay home - but we're not! I can't wait to get out of work each day to go and pick up the Little Man!
*Speaking of back to work - it's like I never left! The same kids are still naughty, I've fallen right back into the routine, and I just keep counting the days until vacation. I have had a very warm welcome back - especially from the kids so that has been nice.
*Drew continues to sleep like a champ - most nights from 8:15 - 6:00. We have to wake him up in the mornings!
*I wish our house would magically clean itself, the laundry would get done, and someone would make dinner for us. I didn't realize how nice it was to be home and be able to do some of those things during the day. Now it just all waits for us in the evenings.
*I have been able to pump enough milk to keep up with what Drew eats while at the sitter during the day. I am so happy about that! I pump 3X a day at work and another 2X at home. I am also nursing him 3 - 4 times a day.
*The weather is finally nicer here and we have been going for walks when we get home. Drew loves taking in all of the sights and seeing the trees, sky, etc. We still have about a foot and a half of snow in our yard, but it is melting slowly.
*I'll leave you with a family pic that my cousin took of the three of us when we were in Florida last month.

Friday, March 18, 2011
{this moment}
{this moment} – A Friday ritual inspired by SouleMama.
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! I promise I'll work on a "real" post for the weekend! Until then, enjoy our cutie!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Drew -
You are four months old today. You have grown and changed so much in the last month. We are astonished by the new skills you learn each and every day. You just keep getting bigger and bigger as well as stronger and stronger. We can't believe how quickly this first four months has gone!
You continue to talk all of the time. We have the absolute best conversations with you! You have figured out that you can squeal and also grunt. You love those noises and enjoy sharing them with everyone around you.
This month you have really started playing with toys. You love rattles and bright colored toys. You will reach for them deliberately and hang on to them for long periods of time. There are a few toys that you can "work" yourself now. You still love music as well.
Everything heads directly to your mouth now. From your entire fist, to a few fingers, to whatever toy you are currently playing with - all of it goes right to your mouth. You have gained a lot of coordination and can get things to your mouth with ease. You also drool constantly and we had to buy stock in bibs as you easily go through a half dozen each day.
You are now strong enough to sit in your seat and you really like it. You can satisfy your curiosity when you are in it because you are sitting up straight and you can see everything going on around you. You also like that we can put toys on a tray and you can reach them all by yourself.
This month you took your second plane ride and went to Florida with us and your Nana. We had such a great time. You really enjoyed being outside - this was your first experience with being out for long periods of time because it is so cold in NH. You met your aunts, uncles and cousins on Mama's side. Once again you were a great traveler and you didn't mind being passed around from person to person at all. In fact, you were a little charmer!
You love anything with stripes on it. You will stare at your arms when your clothes have stripes on them. You have also noticed the border in your bedroom and you love to look at it as well.
We have continued your bedtime routine and you thrive on it. By 8 each night you are READY to go to bed. We moved you into your crib this month and you made the transition like a super star. You really like being in your bed and having lots of space - you were just getting too big for your bassinet! You are asleep by 8:30 and sleep until at least 4 AM, but most nights you go straight through until 6AM. We have to get up a few times a plug your paci back in, but we are so proud of what a good sleeper you are!
Mama had to go back to work this month, and you have made a seamless transition to day care. You spend your days with Mama's cousin Lisa and you already love to go there! Mama misses you tons during the day, but it is so nice to know that you are so well taken care of. It is also great for you to have interaction with the other kids who are there.
You wore 0-3 month clothes for most of the month and we moved you to 3 -6 month clothes the last week of the month. You still wear Size 2 diapers. At your four month pediatricians appointment, you weighed 13 pounds 8 ounces and were 27 inches long. You are in the 99th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight.
You are utterly amazing, our Little Man. We are so very blessed to have you in our lives!
With all our love,
Mom and Mama
You are four months old today. You have grown and changed so much in the last month. We are astonished by the new skills you learn each and every day. You just keep getting bigger and bigger as well as stronger and stronger. We can't believe how quickly this first four months has gone!
You continue to talk all of the time. We have the absolute best conversations with you! You have figured out that you can squeal and also grunt. You love those noises and enjoy sharing them with everyone around you.
This month you have really started playing with toys. You love rattles and bright colored toys. You will reach for them deliberately and hang on to them for long periods of time. There are a few toys that you can "work" yourself now. You still love music as well.
Everything heads directly to your mouth now. From your entire fist, to a few fingers, to whatever toy you are currently playing with - all of it goes right to your mouth. You have gained a lot of coordination and can get things to your mouth with ease. You also drool constantly and we had to buy stock in bibs as you easily go through a half dozen each day.
You are now strong enough to sit in your seat and you really like it. You can satisfy your curiosity when you are in it because you are sitting up straight and you can see everything going on around you. You also like that we can put toys on a tray and you can reach them all by yourself.
This month you took your second plane ride and went to Florida with us and your Nana. We had such a great time. You really enjoyed being outside - this was your first experience with being out for long periods of time because it is so cold in NH. You met your aunts, uncles and cousins on Mama's side. Once again you were a great traveler and you didn't mind being passed around from person to person at all. In fact, you were a little charmer!
You love anything with stripes on it. You will stare at your arms when your clothes have stripes on them. You have also noticed the border in your bedroom and you love to look at it as well.
We have continued your bedtime routine and you thrive on it. By 8 each night you are READY to go to bed. We moved you into your crib this month and you made the transition like a super star. You really like being in your bed and having lots of space - you were just getting too big for your bassinet! You are asleep by 8:30 and sleep until at least 4 AM, but most nights you go straight through until 6AM. We have to get up a few times a plug your paci back in, but we are so proud of what a good sleeper you are!
Mama had to go back to work this month, and you have made a seamless transition to day care. You spend your days with Mama's cousin Lisa and you already love to go there! Mama misses you tons during the day, but it is so nice to know that you are so well taken care of. It is also great for you to have interaction with the other kids who are there.
You wore 0-3 month clothes for most of the month and we moved you to 3 -6 month clothes the last week of the month. You still wear Size 2 diapers. At your four month pediatricians appointment, you weighed 13 pounds 8 ounces and were 27 inches long. You are in the 99th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight.
You are utterly amazing, our Little Man. We are so very blessed to have you in our lives!
With all our love,
Mom and Mama
Friday, March 4, 2011
{this moment}
{this moment} – A Friday ritual inspired by SouleMama.
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
We Survived
Well, we have all survived Drew's first 2 days at the sitter and Mama's first 2 days back at work. Little Man has been an absolute super star as we expected he would! We seriously have the most easy going, adaptable baby on the planet! It was so great to go and pick him up and see him so happy to see us! It stinks to only have a couple of hours in the evening with him, but such is life.
As you can see by the glassy eyes and staring off into space look, he was exhausted from all of the stimulation yesterday!
He was still such a charmer and told us all about his day (he really jibber jabbers so much now!). It takes a lot to get used to us all being gone for the day each day, but a routine will fall into place and it will all work out!As you can see by the glassy eyes and staring off into space look, he was exhausted from all of the stimulation yesterday!
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