Now, you have to understand that this was a steep hill down to a very root filled, washed out, rocky area. We thought this was our site and we were quite disappointed. So, I got out of the car to kind of direct MJ down this hill and upon further inspection I discovered that this was just the entrance to our site and we would acutally be located to the right in a wonderful wooded area.
Which, when we were all set up looked like this:
So, for the quick rundown of what we did:
Thursday night - we got all set up and were just sitting down to enjoy a nice campfire when it started to rain. So, we went to bed a bit early, only to be aroused at 12:15 AM to the two lovely raccoons in our screenhouse. They were knocking the rubbermaid containers open and trying to steal the food that was in them. So, I cowered in the tent like a scared baby while MJ scared them off. Then, only when I was assured about 1,000 times that they were all gone did I come out and help move things into the van. Lesson learned: Even if you think things are safe in sealed containers - the raccoons are smarter than the containers and they can get into them!
Friday - we decided to go to the Cape Cod Chips Factory which was lots of fun to see where they are made and you get free samples too! Then we drove Route 28 through the Cape and stopped at a bunch of shops and stuff. That was lots of fun as we have not explored this area before. Lots to see along here.
Here we are at the Cape Cod Chips tour:

Saturday - we spent the day in Provincetown. This is one of our favorite places! We wandered the streets for a few hours and had a wonderful lunch (lobster and crabmeat rolls) at the Lobster Pot. No pictures from here as we didn't bring the camera. We got back to the campsite and played card games for a couple of hours!
Sunday - We played mini golf and went to get ice cream. It was really hot out! We decided that we would go back and go to the beach at the campground for a couple of hours. Well, we got to the beach, just got into the water floating peacefully on our floats and wouldn't you know - the thunder started. So, out of the water we came and back to the campsite we headed. We then decided to pack up everything besides the tents as there was a large threat of rain all night long, and there is nothing worse than packing up in the rain. So, we got all of that done and enjoyed another night at the fire. We did have some great rain over night, so good thing we did!
Today (Monday) - The rain held off long enough for us to pack up the tent and we were on the road! We made the obligatory stop at the Christmas Tree Shop on the way off the Cape. We then had the joy of making another stop about 2 1/2 hours into our journey as we had a flat tire. Now, mind you, it was not just any flat tire, but the rim is bent too! And it always happens that you have a FULL car when you need to get at the things like jacks to help you change the tire. The best part was that a State Trooper changed it for us! Must have been a slow day or something! So, now we have the lovely expense of a new tire and rim for the van.
I'll leave you with a few more pics of our trip and I'll charm you with some wonderful tales of the people we came in contact with in a later blog. Let's just say they were some real gems!

A wonderful fire!
Enjoying the fire together!
An one last one of one of our awesome breakfasts! We cooked every morning!