Gotta hit as many bullseyes as you can!

Concentrating very hard on hitting the bullseye!

Jumping for bonus points....

Lassoing with Woody....

Of course the evening wouldn't be complete without some sort of sweet treat. MJ baked cupcakes in her little feet baking cups. They were very cute! Olivia had fun putting tons of sprinkles, etc on them!

Here she is showing off her new PJ's that we got for her to keep in her drawer of clothes that we have for her here. She was so excited about them that she "wishes they were daytime clothes."
Up for today- a trip to my parent's farm to pick a pumpkin, some lunch, some errands, and then to meet Mama.
SOOOO Cute!! Love this kid!! She really is lucky to have you girls in her life ~ as are we!! Thanks again!!
Seriously, can I come visit for a weekend? You guys have so much fun. Olivia is so incredibly lucky to have the two of you. I bet she truly looks forward to her visits with you. It's always packed with fun and treats.
Wii, cupcakes with feet and picking pumpkins.
Can I come live with you?
Margo I think you are on to something.
Come on over girls! It would be a blast!!! As long as you can handle crappy New England weather!
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