Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Random Tidbits

Some random tidbits of what's been happening here: 

**OB appt was fine yesterday - kind of boring actually.  Listened to the HB via doppler, answered a few questions, and all done.  Next appt will be fetal survey ultrasound and monthly appt.

**We are NOT finding out the sex of Cupid.  We both feel like it is one of the last great surprises left in life and we want to wait until Cupid's Birth Day to find out!

**My room at work was 92 degrees today - fun times, especially for a pregnant lady!  Never mind the poor kids who had to do spring testing.  (Temps have been about 20 degrees above normal this week!)

**MJ stayed home today and worked her behind off getting course work done for an online class that is due on Monday.

**Can't wait for a three day weekend!   Going to get stuff done around here both inside and outside!

**We need to take another belly pic - put that on the to do list for the weekend.

**Only 18 more days of school until summer vaca!!!  It seriously can't come fast enough.

**There is a full moon tomorrow night which means the kids will be off their rockers at school tomorrow.

**The thunder is rumbling outside which means that a cool front is coming through - hallelujah!

1 comment:

anofferingoflove said...

hurray for boring OB visits! i cant wait to hear about the scan.

enjoy the holiday weekend!