Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

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anofferingoflove said...

ha! that looks exactly like the scene in our bathroom this morning!

love the new header, btw :)

Lucy said...

Ha! So stinkin' cute!

tireegal68 said...

Isobel will do that with a whole box of tissues! Priceless!

Mattie and Diane said...

Tissues, toilet paper, napkins...everything is so much better than toys! Love the pictures!!

Anonymous said...

He's like a kitten - only way cuter :) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family.

Allison said...

So cute!

(This is why we put our TP on the back of the toilet!)