Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Saturday, April 21, 2012

TTC #2 Update

OMG!!!  This has been the never ending cycle!   I started by seeing my levels doing absolutely nothing.  Then, on CD 22 they finally started rising.  After 25 days of stims I am FINALLY ready! 

Here are the stats:

11mm lining
TWO follicles 20 mm and 23 mm on the Right
E2 - 258 (a bit low)
LH 17

So, I triggered last night and IUI is tomorrow at 10AM

Wish us luck!!!!!


tireegal68 said...

Oooh good luck!!! Slow but steady! Those follicles and the lining sound good. I hope you're doing progesterone too:) fingers crossed!

Allison said...

Our fingers are crossed for you!

H2 said...

Go swimmers! Good luck!

Jelena Whatelse said...

good luck :)