Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Did You Catch it Yesterday?

Did you catch the pic of the Elf holding the positive HPT in our Wordless Wednesday post?  If you didn't......Here is another pic!

The details.....
IUI was 12/5
Positive HPT evening of day 9 (12/14)
Beta #1 133
Beta #2 339
doubling time of 32 hours

One small concern....progesterone was 11.75 and 10.9 on the two blood draws.  Not really very happy about that, but it is still above 10 (though barely) and doc says just keep our fingers crossed, say our prayers and we will go in for an U/S at around 8 weeks.

We could use all of the sticky vibes and healthy baby growing thoughts that you have...
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tireegal68 said...

Wow ladies!!! Hoping and hoping that the progesterone doesn't drop any more! That's a long time to wait til ultrasound. Hope the time flies really fast and baby is nice and sticky and strong! Xoxo

Raine said...

Congratulations as I did miss it yesterday. Sending you many sticky vibes and lots of healthy baby thoughts.


Mina said...


DIY Babe said...

Congratulations!!!!!! I send sticky dust:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I have been wondering how TTC 2.0 has been going for you! Such exciting news! Sending sticky vibes your way!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Lots and lots of sticky dust being sent your way!!! :-)

C said...

CONGRATS! I missed it. You sneaky people you! How many tries did this one take? Clearly fewer than for Drew. That is so great. My progesterone was around that level and I had zero problems with Baby Girl. Good luck!

Our Journey said...

Super exciting congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay. Congratulations.