I am having the best birthday weekend ever! It started on Friday night with dinner at the Olive Garden and 2 dozen yellow roses! I LOVE yellow roses, they are my absolute favorite.

Then on Saturday, we worked a lot around the house - cleaning, rearranging the living room at bit, etc. On Saturday night, MJ let me open my presents and I was so surprised!
First off, I got some very fun new scrapbooking paper and embellishments -bows, ribbon, eyelets, and brads. I got a new book Three Cups of Tea which I am excited to start reading. Then she bought me a new Pandora bracelet with a great pink and green glass bead - now I can begin the obsession of filling this on up as well. I got one for Christmas and had it all filled by June!
Then, came the absolute best present of all - I got a Wii!!!!! I was so excited - I had been joking about wanting one, but I never expected to get one because you can't find them anywhere unless you want to buy the $550 bundle. Well, MJ went to Target and it must have been my lucky day because they had just received a shipment. It is SO MUCH FUN!
Last night we had fun bowling and playing tennis and baseball. Here are some pics of us bowling:
As you can see, the dogs had to help/get in the way - I even accidentally punched Willy in the nose this morning. Here is one last pick of me this morning after winning my boxing match! Ignore the PJs and bed head please!
This afternoon my parents are coming over and we are going to have a seafood boil - more about that later - I'm off to play my Wii!