Opening some fun school supplies! I got pens, notebook, folder, and lots of other fun stuff. (I know I am a total nerd for getting excited about school supplies - but Stap.les is one of my absolute favorite stores!

This may seem kind of silly, but I keep saying that I want a shredder - so I got one for my bday!

Of course, I had to find lots of things to shred just to try it out!

On Monday, my actual birthday, she continued to make my day special. We work in the same school, and all day long, I found little presents in my mailbox with cute little cards. She even snuck a card and a gift into my lunch box! When we got home, there was a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers waiting for me as well!
When we got home on Tuesday - waiting in the doorway was my final prize - the JUST RELEASED Toy St.ory Man.ia game for W.ii - we had so much fun playing it! For any of you have been on the new To.y Sto.ry ride at Holly.wood St.udios in FL - the game is JUST LIKE the ride - tons of fun!
It's so great to share those special days with someone you love!
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a great one :)
Happy Birthday. Your dp sounds awesome.
Happy birfday! You are a lucky gal!
sounds like a wonderful birthday!! :)
What a fantastic birthday!!! Very cool!
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