Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It has been a good week - we have lots to be happy about - here's the list:

1. TTC is plugging along and I'm doing what I do best - responding slowly! Next appt is Friday for blood work and ultrasound.

2. When I called to order the sperm, the lady wasn't sure our donor was available and said she had to go find out from the doctor. All is well though - there is some and it will be delivered to my doc on Friday.

3. MJ and I went in to school for the last three days and worked our hineys off! The best news is that we are done and ready to go - we don't have to go back until we're required to on Aug. 31.

4. Starting tomorrow we get to hang with our favorite 6 (yes, she's a year older) year old Olivia until Sunday. She's coming to stay with us while her mommas celebrate their anniversary.

5. It has finally been HOT here! The first week this summer we have hit the 90s!

6. We've had a couch in the basement forever that is just always in the way and becomes a "catch all". Someone on Free.cyc.le was looking for one and they came to pick it up today!

7. Saturday is one of our favorite days of the year - Sta.ples Appre.ciation Day. We hit three different Sta.ples in the course of the morning and get our free goodies. We usually score big at this event! Raffles, free stuff, major sales, and double points on our rew.ards card!

8. Last night my mom called us and told us that her neighbor got 4 tickets to see Meli..ssa Eth.eridge in two weeks. They are her employer's front and center box seats. She asked if MJ and I wanted two of the tix. FREE tix to Mel.issa - you betcha!!!

As you can see, life is nice around here - we have lots to be happy about! We are enjoying the last couple of weeks of summer vacation and trying to remain as stress free as possible!


Lisa said...

I'm rooting for you. That's so awesome about staples. I had no idea that the store did such things.

Anonymous said...

hooray for happy! sounds like you have lots of wonderful things going on right now. good luck with tomorrow's appointment & enjoy the end of your summer vacay! :)

Michele said...

sounds like a great end of summer!!!

Anonymous said...


Will you be teaching in a classroom this fall???

cindyhoo2 said...

Good stuff!!

A said...

I'm glad things are going well and my fingers are crossed!!