Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Sunday, November 9, 2008


another month

another temperature drop

another visit from af

another time my body has failed me

another hope lost

another dream shattered

another wish.....gone

another two months until we can try again

another $500 up the whoohaaa

another sad day

another disappointment

another "why us?"

another "when does it get to be our turn?"

another summer without a baby in our arms

another negative


Carrie and MJ said...

I am so sorry. I really thought that this was our time! I love you, my baby.

Unknown said...

:( I just sort of reconnected with you (Carrie) on Facebook and found your blog by accident, but your journey has been both arduous and compelling ... and I want you to know that you now have someone else in your corner. Not that I have any pull with anyone important : ), but I'm sending every possible positive thought your way!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Carrie- I'm so sorry. I agree with your entire post. It's just so unfair.