Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Hardest Part

The hardest part right now is knowing there is a dead baby inside of me.

Not just A dead baby, but OUR dead baby.

This wasn't supposed to happen...........


A said...


Laurie said...

sending ((hugs))

Unknown said...

Love, hugs, and everything else.

Jen said...

I am new to your blog, directed here from anofferingoflove, but I am so very sorry for your loss.

This Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my thoughts.

tireegal68 said...

I am so so sorry - words aren't enough. thinking of you with love and ((((hugs))))

Michele said...

I'm so sorry. I've been there and it is so very hard. Sending you hugs.

Anonymous said...

It is so terribly unfair and heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Here from LFCA to say I'm so so sorry. I wish you a flood of support, both IRL and URL.

Anonymous said...

ug, that is such an awful feeling. i remember feeling like i was in a trance during that stage, it's too horrible to fully comprehend. don't hesitate to put yourself first this week - take the week off work and cuddle with your sweetie, etc. you are both in my thoughts. big, big ((hugs)).

and no, this wasn't supposed to happen. its random and cruel and f***ing unfair.

babyinterrupted said...

Here from LFCA - I'm so, so sorry about your loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm so terribly heart is breaking for you.

Anonymous said...

Here from LFCA--I am so very sorry.

Best When Used By said...

Came over from LFCA. So sorry to learn of your loss. Take time to mourn your precious Chicklet.

annacyclopedia said...

I am very sorry for your loss. I will be keeping you both in my thoughts today and wishing you healing when you are ready. Here from the LFCA.

RDR said...

So sorry to hear of your loss, your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Mr. Shelby said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You'll be in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. There are no words that can help ease your pain.
((HUGS)) to you

cindyhoo2 said...

I remember the waiting also being the hardest part for me too.... for that matter everything that you are going through sucks right now. It isn't fair and I am so sorry.

FattyPants said...

I'm so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am crying for you.

Delenn said...

From LAFCA--I am so very sorry. Sending love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

I am so terribly sorry. I just lost mine as well and I know what you are going through. My 6 week ultrasound showed a heartbeat but my 8 week did not. I understand exactly what you said about the baby still being in your womb too. I just passed my pregnancy last Friday and although I am new to your blog, I would be happy to talk to you if you need. Stop by my blog or email me at the address attached to this comment.
Wishing you strength and healing as you struggle through this.

With love and well wishes,


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear of this. You all will be in our prayers.

Lisa said...

Carrie and MJ- just thinking about you a lot. xoxo

Me said...

I am so very, very, very sorry for your loss.

Amy Fuller said...

So thoughts are with you both.

Anonymous said...

Here from LFCA. I'm so very sorry. Thinking of you xxx

Natalie said...

My heart breaks reading this... I am so sorry for your loss. That was the absolute worst for me... knowing there was a dead baby inside of me. It's just terrible.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. :::hugs::: I've been there. I know it hurts like hell. It's just not fair.

Sending you love and understanding.

Anonymous said...

I found you thru anoffering of love, and I am so sorry for your loss. I've been in that situation twice, and it's such a bizarre and painful feeling to carry around your baby after you've been told there is no heartbeat.
I hope that you are able to rest and heal with the love and support of your family, friends and fellow bloggers.

heatherj said...

I wish there were words that would ease your pain, I am so sorry. You and your partner will be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I wish that my losses meant that other woman wouldn't suffer the loss of their babies. I'm so angry to hear of your loss. I'm so sorry! I'm sending the two of you tons of hugs and healing vibes.

Cara said...

So very sorry for your loss of Chicklet and all the other lost possibilities you have suffered over the years.
