Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Co.lor Pur.ple

Yesterday MJ, mom and I had a fabulous time in Boston. We went to see The Col.or Pur.ple. The show was absolutely FANTASTIC!!! We left in the morning and took the train down which is really nice because you don't have to worry about driving. For once the weather was beautiful all morning. We had lunch here:

Then we did some shopping here:

It only rained a tiny bit when we got out of the show, but not even enough to take out our umbrellas. We did a bit more shopping after the show to kill time before the train left to take us home. We had a great girls day out!

As for today, here is our weather forecast:

Patchy fog late this morning. Showers likely. Isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. Near steady temperature in the mid 60s. Northeast winds around 10 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent.

Oh, yipee - more rain - I can't stand it anymore. It should be sunny and in the 80's - we haven't seen but maybe 2 or 3 days like that ALL MONTH!! The forecast for the week doesn't look much brighter...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Graduation Day!

Yesterday, we went to Olivia's Kindergarten Graduation! I can't believe she will be 6 years old this summer - kids grow up WAY too fast!

Here we are heading to the school:

And here is the graduate and future photographer (that is what her star said she wants to be when she grows up!)

In other news - the sun has peeked out a few times this morning! We have even caught a few glimpses of blue sky - something we haven't seen for weeks now. I honestly have no idea where my sunglasses are because it has been so long since I've had to use them! It is already 73* which is higher than we've seen in a long time as well. Ir eally wish summer would hurry up and arrive at our doorstep!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

School's Out for the Summer!!

AHHH, the first day of summer vacation -- or so you would think. Let's see - it is still raining and yucky outside, and to top it all off, we reached a scorching high of 68* today. We set up the pool almost a month ago and have yet to go in it. Maybe the rain could stop for an hour or two just so we could remember what the sun is like?

We both had to get up early today as I had to have some blood work, we both had meetings with the superintendant, then MJ ran some errands while I went to the vet to get MORE meds for Willy who has decided to sport a fever again. UGGGHHHH! I am so tired of him being sick - he was on the up and up when all of a sudden he had a fever Sunday and then again today. We are adding another antibiotic to his regime and hopefully that will help.

Tomorrow we get to celebrate with our favorite five year old Olivia at her Kindergarten Graduation. That will be lots of fun and we'll go out to lunch with her afterwards.

Looking forward to the possibility of some sun later this week and at least it is supposed to be nice on Saturday when we go to Bost.on for the day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

More of the Same

We'll start of with the big surprise of the day - IT'S RAINING AGAIN!!!! Seriously, it has been raining here forever and now it is supposed to rain through Thursday. We had to cancel our camping trip for next week - boo hoo! It is just miserable to camp in the rain, so we decided to just cancel the reservation.

However, we decided that since we aren't going camping, we need to still have something fun to do. So, we bought tickets to see The Co.lor Pu.rple in Bos.ton next weekend. We are going to go with my mom and it should be tons of fun!

Let's see, what else? Willy is MUCH better finally! We have to take him for one more blood check on Thursday and that will hopefully be the last one. The most exciting news around here is the fact that we have 1/2 day of school left tomorrow and then we are on SUMMER VACATION! Good times!

That's all from here.....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crazy, Crazy Week!

As promised - here is the update for the past week. I'm not sure how time flew by so quickly, but here is the rundown of the week.
Saturday night - made a 10PM visit to the Emergency Vet for Willy as he was panting and couldn't catch his breath, his heart was racing and he was shaking all over. He had a temp of 104.8* and we spend about 3 hours there with no answers really. So, we took him home and watched him carefully until I could get him in to our vet on Monday.

Sunday - We just hung around the house and took a nap as we didn't get home until almost 2:30AM from the vet (we must be getting old!)

Monday - took the morning off to take Willy to the vet. They kept him for the day to watch him and run some tests. MJ picked him up in the afternoon with a new antibiotic and more steroids. I coached the kids from my school at the City Track Meet. We had lots fo fun - it was a beautiful night and we came in 2nd place.

Tuesday - Willy has a fever again - ARRRGH!!! I was at 2 different meetings after school and MJ kept putting cold towels on his belly and a fan on him to try to cool him down - nothing seemed to really work.

Wednesday - nothing too exciting - worked all day and came home and baked 3 cakes for the Chorus party for the kids at school.

Thursday - Willy has another fever and spends the day at the vet again. When I go to pick him up, and get talking to the vet about how he seems to go in 12 - 14 hour cycles we discover that the girl printed the wrong label on the bottle of pred.nisone and instead of an every other day dosage, we are supoosed to be giving it to him EVERY day - no wonder he isn't getting any better. We get home and I decorate the cakes for the chorus party at school tomorrow.

Friday - Willy is feeling much better - amazing how the right dosage of meds can make such a difference. After school we went to pick up a pump for our pool that was on Free.cycle - love that! Then we went out to dinner as neither one of us felt like cooking.

Saturday - surprise, surprise - it was back to the vet this morning just to do a blood check. Finally things are looking better and Willy has been fever free since Thursday afternoon. It was a beautiful day so we worked outside. MJ and I finished setting up the pool, got the lawn mowed and did the weed eating, went to Home Depot, built a frame around the wishing well, planted oodles of flowers, put up a new flagpole, cut down a bunch of low hanging branches, then had my parents over for dinner. Whew - busy day!

Sunday (today) - I suppose we may think about building an ark as it has been POURING rain here since late last night. There are flood watches, etc in effect. It's a good day for MJ to get report cards done and I think I may read for a while.

So, there you are - the week in a nutshell - here are some pics of the week as well....

The well garden before (above) and after (below)

One of the gardens in the backyard:

The pool and gazebo all set up and ready for use in the backyard:

Our new flagpole that we put up and the gorgeous hanging baskets that we found at De.p0t

And, finally just a pretty picture of some of our irises blooming - they are MJ's favorite flower!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We're Here, Really!

We are alive and well - I just realized that the last time I posted was last Saturday. We have had a crazy busy week, and my parents are on their way over for dinner in the next half hour.... So, I will update by the end of the weekend with all the details! We got lots of yardwork done today as well and I'll post some pics of that as well. Have a great Saturday night!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Funny Kids

I was looking through pictures this morning and found a few goofy ones of our animals. So, today's post is an ode to them. Enjoy!

When everyone is tired!

Helping get the new gazebo out of the box.

Hey, might as well use the new pool as a water bowl.

Helping set up the new gazebo.

Playing in the hose.

Helping put the new cushions on the gazebo furniture.

As you can see - they are such great helpers! Willy is feeling MUCH better and got a good report from the vet on Thursday - he gained 3.5 pounds in 6 days - I'll say he's feeling better!

MJ is on her way into school for a few hours today (yuck, on a Sat...) but the end of the year brings so much work that for sanity's sake, she'll try to get some of it done. I'm staying home and puttering around here to get some stuff done...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We WON!!!!!

NH passed the Gay Marriage Bill today!!!! We are the 6th state to make it legal! I am so proud of us! Next year, I can finally marry the love of my life! The best part is that they will convert Civil Unions to Marriage for free!

The following is an excerpt from Governor Lynch's statement after he signed the bill into law today. I think it is very poignant and shows that he truly does serve the people of NH!

It is my hope, and my belief, that New Hampshire will again come together to embrace tolerance and respect, and to stand against discrimination.

That has how we in New Hampshire have always lived our lives and that is how we will continue as we move forward.

Most families in New Hampshire will awaken tomorrow, go to work and to school, and feel no impact from what we have accomplished today.

But for some, they will awaken tomorrow knowing we have said to them that they are equal, that they have the same rights to live and to love as everyone else.

Today is a day to celebrate in New Hampshire. Today should not be considered a victory for some and a loss for others.

Today is a victory for all the people of New Hampshire, who I believe, in our own independent way, want tolerance for all.

That is truly the New Hampshire way.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Great Helper

We have been trying to get this pool set up for over a week now. It has been a bit of a hassle, but it is coming along. Last night, Sadie decided she was going to help us out! We were in the backyard and all of a sudden Sadie made a big leap into the pool - it is still low enough for her to get in! We laughed pretty hard and took some pics and a little video of her frolicking in the water. She is too darn cute!