Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Monday, May 12, 2008

Off to the Operating Room . . .

I am sitting here at the hospital as MJ was just wheeled off to surgery about 45 minutes ago. Hopefully I will be hearing soon about how she is doing. I am just waiting for my beeper to go off. I will update more later - including the fun picture I took of her with her "party hat" on before she went in!

As for me - I am either pregnant or my body is playing nasty, nasty tricks on me. My boobs are KILLING me! I also have been very nauseous and crampy as well as quite tired. Never mind the fact that my basal temp keeps rising every morning. I am going to go crazy!!! I went for my progesterone check today, so we will know whether or not that level is good (indicating good ovulation) either tomorrow or Wed.

I'll keep you posted. . .

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