Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Adventure Begins
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Holidays!
I wish all of my blogging friends a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and whatever else you may celebrate!
Happy New Year to all - enjoy the craziness of the next week!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
To Do List
Here are the things that need to be done in the next couple of days:
1. Make one batch of Magic Bars for Cookie Swap
2. Make 5 dozen frosted brownies for Cookie Swap
3. Make 3 dozen cut out cookies for MJ's class to decorate
4. Make frosting to decorate cookies from #3
5. Clean the house
6. Finish up laundry
7. Wrap presents
8. Celebrate Christmas with Carrie's Family (if the snow isn't too bad)
9. Snow blow and shovel at least twice (we have 12 - 18 inches of snow coming)
10. Pack!
11. Work all day Monday and Half Day Tuesday
12. Attend cookie swap after school on Monday
13. Attend school holiday concert Monday evening
14. Get to bus station and airport on Tuesday afternoon
I guess we had better get going!
'Tis the Season!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Dear Mother Nature,
Dear Mother Nature,
Welcome to New Hampshire. It is quite clear from the events of the past week, that you really like spending time here. Let's see, there was an ice storm that left 390,000 homes without power, 8 inches of snow overnight last night, and another 12 - 18 inches of snow forecast for tomorrow. While we enjoy having you visit, it would be nice if you packed your bags and moved on for a bit. You see, you really have hampered many holiday plans for the folks around here.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like you or anything, I just wish that you weren't so cold and snowy. Maybe you could pay another visit in a few months to bring us some of that nice warm, sunny weather. I really can't think about another 110 inches of snow this winter - I'm sure someone else wouldn't mind if you brought it to their house! Happy Holidays!
The people who are tired of this crazy weather!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Holiday Card and Letter

Oh, the Places We’ve Been!
This year was our year.
We were off to Great Places!
Went both far and near!
With suitcases in hand, gas in our car,
and also plane tickets to travel afar.
From cruising the ocean, to roasting a S’more,
birthdays at Disney, visiting family, and more!
In February, cold weather was left behind;
a cruising adventure we were sure to find.
Swimming with Flipper was oh so neat;
spent a day in Key West on Duval Street.
Went shopping in Nassau,
folded napkins on ship;
went parasailing high over the ocean,
WOW! Our stomachs sure did flip!
In June we went camping,
and set up the tent.
At Nickerson State park,
a fine space we did rent.
From a visit to Cape Cod Chips,
and a drive along the shore;
Shopping in Provincetown,
all this and much more!
Once camping was done,
to Disney we went;
We joined Miss Olivia
for her birthday event!
Character meals were aplenty,
the ride lines never empty.
Typhoon Lagoon couldn’t be beat
in the sun’s scorching heat!
We boarded a plane
with souvenirs in hand;
off to visit the Snyders,
in Minnesota we’d soon land!
Next a Colorado trip,
in the car we would go;
to see Jim and Annette
with mom and Joyce in tow.
The Women’s Prison was open
for a museum style tour;
white water rafting through the Gorge
held quite the allure.
2008 was a year that just couldn’t be beat!
Happy Holidays to all,
may your 2009 be sweet!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Pickle

Something like this just goes to show that taking a little time to think about someone and make them feel special can really make a person's day!
Thanks, Mrs. R!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Here's the Story
We awoke Friday Morning to a sea of ice. The ice was so thick that trees were bending right over onto the ground. It was already getting chilly in the house, but we put on some warm clothes and hunkered down to read, crochet, play DS, whatever else. A couple of hours into this, my mom stopped by and told us that the news reports were saying it could be days before power was restored. We decided to pack up some stuff, grab the dogs and head over to their house - especially since they have a generator.

Thanks to the generator, gas grill, and woodstove, we had great meals cooked by my brother, and we were able to work on making holiday treats for work and friends. We cranked out 160 of these little treat bags throughout the weekend. The dogs also loved the fact that we set up an air mattress in the living room - to them it was another comfy place to sleep!

We ended up leaving the cats at home, because if they had some with us, they would have been locked in 1 room, and we thought they were better off just at home even though it was cold. The house got to an all time low of 32 degrees and we worried that pipes would freeze. We lost the contents of our refrigerator and some of the contents of the kitchen freezer. We were able to save all of the meat in the basement freezer as my parents, thankfully, had room in their freezers to squeeze it all in. We also lost all of the fish in the fish tank as they froze to death.
Our power finally came back at 1PM on Tuesday. We came home and excitedly plugged in all of the Christmas decorations! Thankfully, other than the lost food and fish tank , we weathered the storm quite well.
We are so thankful to my parents for their hospitality. The endured 4 (2 girls and 2 dogs) extra houseguests for almost 5 days. We had 2 days off from school that we'll have to make up in June.
As of right now, there are still 75,000 homes in NH without electricity and some of them may be lucky to have it for Christmas. Some school districts have closed until January 5. I guess through it all, we really were some of the lucky ones.....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
109 hours.....
That is how long we were without power! It finally came back on at 1 PM today after being out since just before midnight on Thursday. I have never been so thankful! I will be back tomorrow with a full update and pictures - I promise!
A special thanks to my parents for offering their "hotel" for the past five days! The house is slowly warming up, and we are happy to be home.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
67 Hours and Counting......
I'll blog more in detail with pics once we get back home....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Well, truth be told - being involved in the pool has created a monster out of me! I take great pain in making my picks each week! The best part is, I have been in first or second place every week! Right now, I'm in second and MJ is in third, but we are only one and two points out of first place respectively! There are all these people who are avid fans and we are kicking their butts!!! I think it is funny! For those of you who don't know me, I am a very competitive person and this has really brought it out!
So, for anyone who cares, here are our picks for this week.
Carrie's picks
Green Bay
San Diego
NY Jets
New England
NY Giants
Mary Jo's Picks
Green Bay
Kansas City
NY Jets
New England
NY Giants
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Story of the Chairs...

OK, so here is the story behind the chairs in our header picture. That is a picture I took along with a bunch of others when we were visiting one of our favorite places - The Highlands. This is a wonderful gem of a place in northern New Hampshire. It is a women's (read: lesbian) resort and just a wonderful getaway. We went there for the weekend of our Civil Union and have been back a couple of other times as well. The Highlands sits on a beautiful piece of property with trails for walking and snowshoeing. There is a main building with two other buildings. An awesome breakfast is served every morning too! Grace, the inkeeper goes out of her way to make your stay exceptional.
So, if you are ever visiting this neck of the woods and want to stay at a wonderful place, check it out - Grace would be happy to have you!
Here are a couple of other pictures - one of the inn and one of us on the hillside right before our Civil Union.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ode to Jim!

This post is for my brother in law Jim. He is one of the most faithful readers of this blog. He always knows what is going on with us because he keeps up with the blog. And, when I don't blog regularly, he gripes a bit. It is great to know that people enjoy keeping up with us and family living far away is one of the main reasons we keep this blog! Jim is such a fun loving guy and I am so happy to have him as my brother in law. So, in honor of his faithful reading of the blog, I am going to try to post EVERY day this week!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mario Rocks!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Card Making Frenzy
Tonight we'll be meeting Laura, Sue, and Olivia to see Bolt in 3-d. That should be enjoyable! We'll do a little more Christmas shopping too. Tomorrow we hope to get the decorations finished in the house.
Christmas sure is coming up quickly this year!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Quiz
Feel free to copy and paste to your blog. (I stole it from Lisa at And Baby Makes Three)
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both, but I really love gift bags with fun tissue and ribbon all curled hanging from the handles
2. Real tree or Artificial? Real this year, but we also have a little artificial one.
3. When do you put up the tree? ASAP after Turkey Day - ours is currently up with the lights on, but we need to finish decorating this weekend!
4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime in early January
5. Do you like eggnog? absolutely - even better with RUM in it!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Third row tickets to New Kids on the Block when they were the hottest band around!
7. Hardest person to buy for? no one really - I love to buy presents for people!
8. Easiest person to buy for? MJ
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes - a beautiful Willow Tree one that my parents bought us for Christmas last year!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? mail - we make our own!
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? a massager that hurt like hell when you used it
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Jim Carrey version of The Grinch
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? all throughout the year - but we get really serious on Black Friday
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? absolutely!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? fondue on Christmas Eve
16. Lights on the tree? yes - colored!
17. Favorite Christmas song? Little Drummer Boy
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? we travel to be with MJ's family - it is one of the two times a year that we get to spend with them
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? absolutely - I am an elementary school teacher!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? we have an angel on the real one and a primitive star on the fake one
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning - though when I was a kid, we got to open one on Christmas Eve
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? people who are crabby - come on - enjoy the hustle and bustle of the holiday season
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? primitive
24. Favorite place for Christmas dinner? MJ's mom's house with everyone there
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? health and happiness in preparation for our next baby try in January
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Latest...
We had a great Thanksgiving with my parents and then we also went to my aunt and uncle's for pie later in the day. It is always wonderful to spend time with family - especially when there is good food to eat! Mom got a 25 pound turkey, so there were PLENTY of leftovers!
On Friday, we got up early (5:30) and braved the crowds for Black Friday - we have so much fun shopping on this day! We got some great deals and we also got the majority of our Christmas Shopping done. On the way home we picked up our Christmas tree too!
On Saturday morning, we went to a great holiday craft fair with my mom and my aunt.
Saturday afternoon through Sunday, our friends Laura, Sue and Olivia came for a visit. We made Christmas cards, scrapbooked, and played some Wii. I love playing Wii - it is always worth a good laugh! We tried out a couple of new games too and had lots of fun!
We got the lights on our tree, and will have to finish decorating it this weekend!
So, in a nutshell that's what we've been up to - now it is time to gear up for Christmas. We will be going home to Minnesota three weeks from tomorrow - very exciting!