Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Getting Married

So, it's been legal in NH for us to get married since the beginning of 2010.  A couple of weekends ago, there was a church around here offering to do the ceremonies for free as long as you showed up with your marriage license in hand.  We were stoked - and ready to have that real marriage license from our state.

Then came the problem......

You see, back a few years ago when we thought NH would NEVER jump on the gay marr.iage bandwagon, we "hopped the border" and got a C.ivil Un.ion in VT.  That is where the problem lies.  Before we can apply for a marriage license here, we have to go to court and get our VT Civi.l Un.ion dissolved.  And, that will cost us $205.  Just to get married  - which, by the way will cost $100.

So, to make a long story short, we have to get divorced before we can get married (legally).

It's always something, isn't it?


Lisa said...

Yikes but honestly, I'm glad the hiccup is not as bad as I thought. I thought you were going to say bc you got it in VT they won't let you get it in NH at all. Make a romantic fun weekend out of it, going to VT and post tons of pics of your marriage ceremony. I can't wait to see them. BTW- I put the paper in the mail yesterday.

anofferingoflove said...

That makes no sense! What a PIA!
Hope it isn't too much of a hassle and you can get on with the good stuff quickly! Congrats!!

Michele said...

Forgive me for being stupid (and thinking with a "straight" mind right now). Will NH not recognize VTs license?

Carrie and MJ said...

Michele - the our VT Civil Union IS recognized in NH, however, we want to have a marriage license. There are more rights afforded with a marriage license than just a CU.

Michele said...

Thank you for explaining! I didnt realize the NH and VT rules were different and that it was a license versus a civil union. Thanks!