Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Love the Basement

We spent the better part of the day in the basement sewing.  It was pure bliss.  We emerged a few times to switch laundry and eat dinner, but other than that we enjoyed being crafty!  We worked on making towels for  Valen.tine's  Day, St. Pa.tty's D.ay, and Spring/E.aster.  We also worked on our quilt squares from our kit of the month club.

It has been frigid here - wind chills below zero.  So, it was a great day to stay inside.

Day 2 of my F0llis.tim tonight, and I have an U/S on Monday to make sure everything looks OK in there.   We're keeping our fingers crossed for that November baby.  We were talking today about the fact that it was almost a year ago that  we got pregnant.  I can't believe it has been that long already.


anofferingoflove said...

That sounds like a perfect day! I can't wait to have a craft/sewing room someday!

Anonymous said...

I love those kind of days too where you can just spend as much time doing something that takes your mind on a mini vacation.


first time visitor

just looking around and reading about the infertility and the marriage and dissolved and the marriage thingy

wishing you both the best of luck with your baby quest, although with that many pets, i think u r crazy :)

i got a dog for my son - the sister he would never had - and a week later found out i was pregnant

so it was kind of like adjusting to a kid and a half