Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack

Mom, Mama, Drew and Jack
the adventures of 2 boys and their moms

Friday, January 22, 2010

What I Learned Today

Instead of teaching computers this morning, I got to hang out with the kids as they had a special presentation from the "nature lady".  I thoroughly enjoyed singing and signing the nature songs along with the kids and I especially enjoyed learning right along with them.

Two things I learned from the presentation:

When people are cleaning up birds from oil spills, they use Da.wn dish liquid.  They use Da.wn and only Da.wn - there is something about it that makes it work the best.

A water bird:  loons, ducks, etc make their own waterproofing.  When they preen their feathers (wash them) they have a substance that comes out of their mouth and waterproofs their feathers.  So, when a bird has been cleaned up from an oil spill, they have to be kept in captivity for a while so that they can re-waterproof themselves!

One other thing I learned today (not from the nature lady)

Mini marshmallows and toothpicks will provide an easy half hour plus of enjoyment for kindergarten and first graders!

Aren't you glad I made you smarter?  Unless of course you already knew all of that!!  Happy weekend everyone!

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