Wow, lots has happened in the past couple of days - I guess when it rains, it pours - or maybe I should insert SNOW in place of rain!! We got 6 inches Wednesday night, 6 inches Thursday night, and we are slated for another 12 - 16 today. Fun times! Can't mother nature visit someone else for a change?!
On the TTC front - I had my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork on Friday. All was well, so I started my meds on Friday evening. Now I get to "shoot up" daily for the next 18 - 20 days. I really love the Doctor's office that I go to. They are so nice and want so badly for us to be pregnant - if only their well wishes were enough!
The only disappointing part of the visit to the doc was that they told me that this is cycle 8 on injectibles and that is pretty much their limit on how many cycles they will do . A lot of this is because we don't really know the long term effects of these injectible medications. So, if we are not pregnant this time, we will have to consult with the head honcho to see what her recommendation is. In terms of where we are at, the only thing that will work for us is if we can maybe get them to do a couple more cycles in their office as IVF is not an option financially.
Based on the above news that our TTC efforts may be over sooner rather than later, we are even more happy that we attended our first foster parent training yesterday. This is DEFINITELY something we are ready to pursue and we are excited about the possibility of welcoming a child into our lives who so desperately needs a home.
The training itself was LONG and BORING!!!! But at least it is 6 hours down for the 21 that we need. The next step is to take our classes - ther are 5 of them that are 3 hours each. We will do these starting March 11 and we will be done on March 25. Then, we will have a homestudy, fire inspection, be fingerprinted, get references together, etc. My guess is that we can be licensed by the end of April.
We were defnitely impressed with the agency which helps a lot! They are a private agency and they offer many supports to their foster parents. We may have to wait a little longer to get a child through this agency because the majority of the children they work with are teenagers and we want to work with kids under 10. They said it isn't impossible to get young kids, it just may take some time.
So, we are moving along with lots going on! We also get to enjoy February vacation this week - one of the fabulous perks of being a teacher! We are going to just hang at home for the week with just an overnight trip to a casino with some friends. Should be fun!